First Church of Christ, Scientist, Santa Rosa
Child care for the very young, under the watchful eye of an experienced member of our church, is provided free of charge. Infants and young children will find an atmosphere of love and joy in our Child Care room during Sunday church services and Wednesday evening testimony meetings.
Under current conditions, childcare has been suspended. Please call ahead for arrangements.

The focus of our midweek testimony meeting is a spiritual perspective on contemporary topics. The meeting is opened with a hymn, followed by prayer and readings from the Bible and Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. The second half of the meeting is for people to share healings and spiritual insights resulting from their study and application of Christian Science.
We offer testimony meetings at two times to accommodate your schedule:
In the Reading Room—Wednesday, 12:10 P.M.
On Zoom—Wednesday, 7:00 P.M. ​
To join the service on Zoom, click here.
Use the Password 330.
To listen by Phone, click +17207072699 from your smart phone, or dial +1 720 707 2699,
Meeting ID: 893 9681 9558, Password: 330.

The Bible Lesson is available for study during the week prior to the service. Please visit the Reading Room to study or to learn more about the weekly Bible Lesson.
The current week's Bible Lesson Sermon can be found Here:

Our Church Service is at
10:00 A.M. on Sunday
330 Hope Street, Santa Rosa, California
We extend a warm welcome to everyone searching for a more spiritual concept of life and an understanding of the healing Christ. Sunday services in this church are designed to promote healing and spiritual growth in a warm, welcoming, and loving community.
Sunday Services are also live, on Zoom, at 10 AM.
To join the service on Zoom
click here. Use the Password 330.
To listen by Phone,
click +12532158782 from your smart phone,,
or dial +1 253 215 8782,
Meeting ID: 891 5229 0913,
Password: 330.
We are a branch of The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts. Our services include hymns, silent and audible prayer, and the reading of the weekly Bible Lesson. The founder of our church, Mary Baker Eddy, ordained the Bible and her textbook, Science and Health with the Key to the Scriptures, as the Pastor of our church. The same Bible Lesson is read in all Christian Science services around the world. It is comprised of passages from the King James version of the Bible and related citations from the textbook.​