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Spring 2023

If you missed this talk,
or would just enjoy hearing it again,
here is a link to a recording of this
talk given at another church.

Listen to this talk
"Meaningful Change for Ourselves
and the World"



A Spiritual Revolution

The Quest to Experience God

Spring 2022


Are you Seeking the Sacred?


Did you know that right in the center of life's challenges you can feel the presence of divine Love comforting you and calming you? Yes, the goodness of God is with you now, a presence to lean into for help in any situation. Come to this Christian Science talk to know more. 


If you missed this talk, or would just
enjoy hearing it again, it was recorded
at a different church in December 2021.
Here is a link to the YouTube replay of
that talk: 

Recording of Giulia Nesi Tetreau talk


Giulia Nesi Tetreau is a Christian Science healer and a member of the worldwide Christian Science Board of Lectureship. 

Use Our Facility For Your Community Event.

Our membership is happy to offer our facilities for community use.  A church member can sponsor a community group or activity within our auditorium, Reading Room, or Sunday School/Fellowship area.  These can include concerts, speakers, and meetings.  Cleaning or facility use fees will be decided on a case by case basis.  Activities can be one time or a series of events, but the schedule and content of the event must be reviewed and approved by the Executive Board.  For more information, talk to a member of the church, or contact the Church Clerk.


We are grateful for your support!   Please consider adding a dollar or two to your donation, to offset digital processing costs.

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